MURA Resolutions
Resolution Number
RES 2024-02
RES 2024-01
RES 2023-03
RES 2023-02
RES 2023-01
RES 2022-03
RES 2022-02
RES 2022-01
RES 2021-04
RES 2021-03
RES 2021-02
RES 2021-01
RES 2020-02
RES 2020-01
RES 2019-04
RES 2019-03
RES 2019-02
RES 2019-01
RES 2018-05
RES 2018-04
RES 2018-03
RES 2018-02
RES 2018-01
RES 2017-03
RES 2017-02
RES 2017-01
RES 2016-07
RES 2016-06
RES 2016-05
RES 2016-04
RES 2016-03
RES 2016-02
RES 2016-01
RES 2015-04
RES 2015-03
RES 2015-02
RES 2015-01
RES 2014-07
RES 2014-06
RES 2014-05
RES 2014-04
RES 2014-03
RES 2014-02
RES 2014-01
RES 2013-02
RES 2013-01
RES 2012-02
RES 2012-01
RES 2011-01
RES 2010-04
RES 2010-03
RES 2010-02
RES 2010-01
RES 2010-01
RES 2009-03
RES 2009-02
RES 2009-01
RES 2008-02
RES 2008-01
RES 2007-07
RES 2007-06
RES 2007-05
RES 2007-04
RES 2007-03
RES 2007-02
RES 2007-01
RES 2005-02
RES 2005-01
RES 2004-03
RES 2004-02
RES 2004-01
RES 2003-01
RES 2002-01
RES 2000-03
RES 2000-02
RES 2000-01
RES 1999-02
RES 1999-01
RES 1997-03
RES 1997-02
RES 1997-01
RES 1996-05
RES 1996-04
RES 1996-03
RES 1996-02
RES 1996-01
Adoption of FY2025 Budget
Approval of 2023 Annual Report
Approval of Series 2010A Bond Supplement
Adoption of FY2024 Budget
Approval of 2022 Annual Report
Alturas Lot Sale Proceeds Disbursement
Adoption of FY2023 Budget
Approval of 2021 Annual Report
Alturas Lot Sale Proceeds Disbursement
Amendment of FY2021 Budget
Adoption of FY2022 Budget
Approval of 2020 Annual Report
Adoption of FY2021 Budget
Approval of 2019 Annual Report
Adoption of FY2020 Budget
Approval of 2018 Annual Report
Owner Participation Agreement with Blum Construction LLC for 103 N Almon
Approval of Records Policy
Adoption of Agency Policy Manual
Adoption of FY2019 Budget
Legacy Crossing Expansion Plan Transmittal
Acceptance of Eligibility Report for Possible Legacy Crossing Expansion
Approval of 2017 Annual Report
Owner Participation Agreement with Sangria Downtown LLC for 6th & Jackson
Adoption of FY2018 Budget
Approval of 2016 Annual Report
Owner Participation Agreement with Darold Bingham for 402 W. Sixth Street
Owner Participation Agreement with Larry Swanger for 203 W. Third Street
Owner Participation Agreement with Gritman Medical Park for 803 S Main Street
Adoption of FY2017 Budget
Disbursement of Alturas Surplus Revenues
Approval of 2015 Annual Report
Owner Participation Agreement with FH Vandals LLC for 1104 S Main Street
Development Agreement with P1FCU for 828 W Pullman Road
Adoption of FY2016 Budget
Recommendation for Termination of Alturas Revenue Allocation Area
Approval of 2014 Annual Report
Owner Participation Agreement with Moscow Investments for 525 S Jackson Street
Authorization for Settlement Agreement with Latah County
Re-Adoption of FY2015 Budget (due to newspaper error)
Owner Participation Agreement with 409 S Jackson LLC for 409 S Jackson Street
Adoption of FY2015 Budget
Approval of 2013 Annual Report
Agreement with Palouse Commercial Real Estate for Commercial Real Estate Services
Adoption of FY2014 Budget
Approval of 2012 Annual Report
Adoption of FY2013 Budget
Approval of 2011 Annual Report
Adoption of FY2012 Budget
Authorization to Designate Bonds as Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations
Amendment to FY2010 Budget Appropriations
Adoption of FY2011 Budget
Amended and Supplemented Notice of Resolution 2010-01
Authorization to Issue Revenue Allocation Bonds for Legacy Crossing
Owner Participation Agreement with The Anderson Group LLC for 625 S Jackson Street
Adoption of FY2010 Budget
Approval of Actual Amounts of Alturas Funds Transferred for Legacy Crossing Studies and Planning
Adoption of FY2009 Budget
Addendum to Legacy Crossing Eligibility Report and Justification for Urban Renewal Project Designation
Approval to Transfer Alturas Funds for New Project Area Study and Planning
Transmittal of Legacy Crossing Eligibility Report and Request for Urban Renewal Project Designation
Approval to Transfer Alturas Funds for New Project Area Study and Planning
Adoption of FY2008 Budget
Authorization to Issue Principal Amount of Revenue Allocation Refunding Bonds
Request to Moscow City Council to Increase Agency Membership from Five to Seven
Adoption of FY2007 Budget
Adoption of FY2006 Budget
Recommendation for Adoption of Second Amended and Restated RTP Area Plan
Authorization for Appointed Treasurer to Transfer Funds
Adoption of FY2005 Budget
Recommendation for Adoption of First Amended and Restated RTP Area Plan
Adoption of FY2004 Budget
Adoption of FY2003 Budget
Authorization to Issue Revenue Allocation Refunding Bonds
Request for Moscow City Council to Increase Agency Membership from Three to Five
Authorization to Issue Warrant #103
Authorization to Issue Warrant #102
Ratification of MURA Actions including Issuance of Warrant #101
Amendment of Resolution 97-01
Participation and Reimbursement Agreement with Thompson Family Ltd
Authorization to Issue Revenue Allocation Bonds
Authorization to Issue Revenue Allocation Bonds
Statement of Intention to Reimburse Expenses Incurred Prior to Issuance of Bonds
Ratification of MURA Actions including Adoption of all Resolutions Since May 21, 996
Recommendation and Adoption of RTP Area Plan
Approval of Bylaws